We do


Mobile Applications


FuelFX provides full marketing and communications creative services with a specialization in digital marketing and mobile applications. Our skill set covers branding strategy, marketing and advertising collateral, video production, 3D asset and environment development, web design and development, app design and development, eLearning, and electronic procedures.

FuelFX is continuously looking to leverage the latest forms of media, digital marketing and information technology and combining it with tried-and-true website design principles to reshape communication for today’s highly fragmented and competitive landscape. We take a creative, comprehensive approach to developing mobile applications to ensure brand consistency in overall positioning, tone, and messaging, across all communication channels for an efficient and engaging user experience.



Mobile Platforms

Mobile technology in continues to progress each year, with new becoming more powerful than their predecessors. Still, these mobile devices are limited in storage, processing capability, and operating systems limitations. It is important to consider the current baseline hardware specifications required for the type of mobile app you are targeting and the types of interactive experiences you’d like to include. Many apps consume data, some more than others. Device performance is key to a reaching an enjoyable user experience.



User Experience

Mobile Application Development

An engaging and enjoyable user experience is vital in capturing an audience, but even more important to retain that audience. Integrating augmented reality or virtual reality can enhance perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities to grab and keep users’ attention. These technologies, when executed right, can be used to educate as well as entertain.

Mobile Augmented Reality

Mobile Augmented Reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information. AR combines the real and virtual worlds, where a user can peer through a devices camera to see and interact with 3D objects.

Mobile Virtual Reality

Mobile Virtual Reality is an experience where a user is typically fully immersed in a simulated or 3D environment. A headset is word where the viewers eyes are covered. Mobile devices are now capable of deploying basic virtual reality experiences.



Mobile Applications

A mobile application may not be suitable to completely replace a website. It many cases, a mobile app is created to supplement or support organization or product communication channels. Whether a mobile app is used for ecommerce, marketing or pure entertainment CRM-type systems and social media integration can bring an app into a revenue generating platform. Mounds of data may be collected (with user permission of course). An app owner may capture this data and analyze it to help make better business decisions.



Maintenance & Support


App development in any case is an enduring process. Both the Apple App Store and Google Play have stringent requirements for store publication. Understanding these requirements is key to deploying successfully. OS updates and other changes may have adverse effects on a mobile application, so it’s important to consistently monitor your app. The relevance, health and sustainability of your mobile application should not be an afterthought. Mobile apps can include 3rd party elements that change over time, and hardware and operating systems improve, and older versions will be deprecated. So, your mobile application must be monitored and maintained throughout its lifecycle.


FuelFX believes that a mobile app should cultivate a direct relationship with its target audience and be the foundation for the education, communication, entertainment, or the promotion of its products and/or services.

We maintain focus on three critical success factors: management, development, and sustainment.

Mobile App Development


  • Define the strategy
  • Follow the process
  • Align expectations
  • Communicate often
  • Maintain scope and budget


  • Define the technical architecture
  • Visual and dynamic content
  • Intuitive design
  • Calls to action 
  • Testing and quality assurance


  • Maintenance
  • Security
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Data, tracking and analytics

Success Factors

Types of




For Mobile Applications

We offer a variety of mobile application development services for a wide range of industries including healthcare, energy, manufacturing, real estate, and more.

Mobile Application Architecture

Mobile Application UI/UX

Upgrading Existing Mobile Applications

iOS Mobile Application Development

Android Mobile Application Development

Native Application Development

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